Arena 2.0:Recommend this

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Revision as of 16:02, 16 February 2011 by Citynskyj (Talk | contribs)

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If you find an item that you think someone you know may like, you may recommend it to them.

How to recommend an item

  1. If you have not logged in to Arena, do so now. To learn more see Login and Logout.
  2. Find the item you want to recommend. To learn more see Search.
  3. Click recommend this.
  4. In To type the email address of the message recipient.
  5. In My Email type the email address to which you would like the recipient to send a reply, if any, to your recommendation.
  6. In Subject type the title of the item you are recommending. The subject is started for you with I recommend.
  7. In Message content type more information about your recommendation, perhaps how you found it, or what you liked about it. For advice about acceptable content see Community guidelines.
  8. Click Send to send the recommendation message.
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