Arena 2.0:My Profile

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Revision as of 15:34, 8 February 2011 by Citynskyj (Talk | contribs)

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How to change your password

You should change your password regularly to ensure its security. You should change your password immediately if you believe it has become known to someone else.

  1. Login to Arena. To learn more see Login and Logout.
  2. Locate the Login panel.
  3. Click My Profile. The My Profile panel will open.
  4. Locate Password and click Edit below it. The password editing fields will appear.
  5. In Old password type your existing password.
  6. In New password type your new password.
  7. In New password confirmation type your new password again.
  8. Click Save to save the changes.

How to change your nickname

Nicknames provide a way to identify yourself uniquely within Arena. They provide some degree of anonymity, and help to distinguish between users with the same or similar names.

  1. Login to Arena. To learn more see Login and Logout.
  2. Locate the Login panel.
  3. Click My Profile. The My Profile panel will open.
  4. Locate Nickname and click Edit below it. The nickname editing fields will appear.
  5. In Nickname type your new nickname.
  6. Click Save to save the changes.

How to change your email address

  1. Login to Arena. To learn more see Login and Logout.
  2. Locate the Login panel.
  3. Click My Profile. The My Profile panel will open.
  4. Locate Email and click Edit below it. The emial address editing fields will appear.
  5. In New password type your new password.
  6. In New password confirmation type your new password again.
  7. Click Save to save the changes.


Each Arena user account has a profile which includes details of account activity, loans, reservations, payments, messages, and settings. You may view and work with your profile at any time. Most features of your profile may be accessed via Arena 2.0:My Pages|My Pages]]. This article

  1. Click the My profile tab. The profile page will open.

The screen is divided into several panels.

Profile, personal information


This panel provides information about you from your library membership record.

Edit your personal information

  1. Locate the Profile, personal information panel.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Edit the information as required.
  4. Click Save to save the changes, or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

Profile, card information

Profile card information

Edit your library membership card information

  1. Locate the Profile, card information panel.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Edit the information as required.
  4. Click Save to save the changes, or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

My debts and payments

See Debts and Payments.

Loans and renewals

This area lists your loans and renewal options. If a loan is overdue, the return date is shown in red. (The exact appearance depends on how Arena is configured.)


This area lists your reservations. The queue number indicates the number of users that have reservations for the item. Reservations are handled on a first come first served basis. These reservations will therefore be fulfilled before your reservation is fulfilled. If the queue number is 1, then you are next in the queue to have a reservation for that item fulfilled.

To learn more see Reservations.

Personal tools