Arena 2.0:Reviews

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Recommendations, reviews and star ratings

Reviews and ratings provide a useful way for you to add your thoughts and opinions about any item in the library catalogue. For example, if you have read a good book, share your views about with other Arena users.

Read a review

  1. Find the item you want to review. To learn more see Search.
  2. Click the item title to view details about it.
  3. Locate the Reviews section.
  4. If any views are present, the most recent of them will appear here.
  5. Click Show all to view other reviews for this item.
  6. If you have clicked Show all to view other reviews for this item, you may click Show first to view the first of the reviews.

If you find a review that you feel is offensive or illegal, inform a member of library staff.

Add a review

When adding a review, remember that it may be read by many people. Think about what readers may want to know about the item you are reviewing. A statement such as "I hated it" may be true, but it does not enlighten the reader about the item. Instead, consider the good and bad points about the item, or how this edition of the item differs from others. People act on reviews, so your review should reflect the item in a balanced and interesting way.

Try to write your review in a balanced and interesting way. For tips and advice about contributions to Arena see Community Guidelines.

You may give an item a star rating, instead of, or as well as, a review. The rating system uses ten stars, which indicate how much you like the item.

Star rating 1.png 1 star means you dislike the item very much.

Star rating 5.png 5 stars mean you quite like them, but have some reservations about it.

Star rating 10.png 10 stars mean you like the item very much, and have no reservations about it.

  1. Find the item you want to review. To learn more see Search.
  2. Click the item title to view details about it.
  3. Locate the Reviews section at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Click Add a review. The Add review section will appear.
  5. Do one or both of the following:
      Write your review. For advice about acceptable content see Community guidelines.
      Use the ratings bar (row of stars) to rate the item.
  6. Click Add review to save your review and/or rating, or click Cancel to cancel the review and rating.

Edit a review and star rating

You may edit any review that you have created. You may not edit reviews created by anyone else.

Try to write your article in a balanced and interesting way. For advice about acceptable content see Community guidelines.

star ratings bar

  1. Locate the toolbar near the top of the screen.
  2. Click Profile.
  3. Locate the Profile section in the centre area of the screen.
  4. Click My stuff in the Profile branch.
  5. Locate the My ratings or My reviews section in the centre area of the screen.
  6. Click the item title.
  7. Locate theMy reviews section.
  8. Click Edit my review.
  9. Edit the review as required. For advice about acceptable content see Community guidelines.
  10. Edit the star rating as required.
  11. Click Save review to save the changes.

Delete a review

You may delete any review that you have created. You may not delete reviews created by anyone else.

  1. Locate the toolbar near the top of the screen.
  2. Click Profile.
  3. Locate the Profile section in the centre area of the screen.
  4. Click My stuff in the Profile branch.
  5. Locate the My ratings or My reviews section in the centre area of the screen.
  6. Click the item title.
  7. Locate theMy reviews section.
  8. Locate the item for which you want to delete a review.
  9. Click Remove review.

Recommend an item

If you find an item that you think someone you know may like, you may recommend it to them.

  1. Find the item you want to review. To learn more see Search.
  2. Click the item title to view details about it.
  3. Click recommend this.
  4. In To type the email address of the message recipient.
  5. In My Email type the email address to which you would like the recipient to send a reply, if any, to your recommendation.
  6. In Subject type the title of the item you are recommending. The subject is started for you with I recommend.
  7. In Message content type more information about your recommendation, perhaps how you found it, or what you liked about it. For advice about acceptable content see Community guidelines.
  8. Click Send to send the message.
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