Arena 2.0:News

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News Feed

The news screen provides a range of news resources. This may include news stories posted by your library, clubs, and organizations. It may also include RSS feeds from a huge number of providers.


RSS feed icon 1.png

RSS means Really Simple Syndication. An RSS feed is a service that enables organizations (typically institutions, businesses and news agencies) to syndicate details of their latest updates to any website that chooses to subscribe to it. for aena, this is usually used to provide news headlines from local and national newspapers, museums and libraries.

You may subscribe to the RSS feed using one of the following third party services:

RSS live bookmarks icon.png Live Bookmarks

RSS outlook icon.png Microsoft Office Outlook

RSS my yahoo icon.png My Yahoo

RSS google icon.png Google

RSS other application icon.png An application of your choice.

How to subscribe to an RSS feed

  1. Click the RSS icon.
  2. In Subscribe to this feed using choose the method you want to use to subscribe to this feed. If you select Choose application a window will open in which you must choose the application you want to use. Choose an application and then click Open.
  3. Tick Always use... to always use this method to subscribe to RSS feeds in future.
  4. Click Subscribe Now to subscribe.

When the news feed headlines change, you will receive an email notice containing links to new news stories.

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